What is Konnektid for events?

Konnektid for events makes it easy to find the right experts and learn with and from all the attendees of your event. Share knowledge online. Set up relevant meetings offline.

Konnektid for events is now open for beta

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Events Ebook

Want to learn how to create inspiring and engaging events?

Download our free ebook packed with practical tips and tricks!

Ebook: how to create more interaction during events



Konnektid is organizing a free workshop about how to create more interaction during your events.

There will be an expert speaker to provide us with in depth insights. A great opportunity to meet and learn from your fellow event managers!

Register here

What is Konnektid?

More interaction during events

Great events are about great interactions. Konnektid makes it easy for event participants to find each other, learn from each other and set up relevant meetings during your event.

Know in depth what happens during your event

: know in depth what happens during your event. See what your visitors are looking for and what they are talking about. Get to know your visitors like never before.

Simple, Fast, Effective

Easy and quick registration. Find the right people fast. Connect online. Meet offline.

One-of-a-kind Events

Konnektid helps you create one of a kind events. Our event application makes it easy for visitor of your event to find the right experts. Everybody attending your event can start learning with and from each other. Visitors can send out questions, make new relevant connections, share knowledge, and set up targeted meetings.


Konnektid is an online event application. Your event gets a unique ‘Tribe’ where visitors of your event can find each other. Visitors can connect, share knowledge and learn from each other. Thus increasing the success, impact and continuity of the event.

What's in it for me?

For the organization

Why use Konnektid?

More interaction during your event. Visitors of your event find the right experts, fast and easy. Make it easy to share knowledge, connect and learn. Connect online, meet offline

As the owner of a tribe you gain in depth knowledge of the visitors that come to your event. You can see what kind of requests and knowledge tribe members share amongst each other. You get an overview of all the activities in your tribe. This gives you valuable insight into improving the overall quality of your event.

For the attendees

  • Online meeting place for event visitors.
  • Sign up by loading facebook, twitter and/or linkedin profile.
  • Easy to find and reach out to others with specific expertise or knowledge.

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