About group: Soc Ent EU
We came together in Strasbourg January 2014, all with a similar interest: to share our passion for and work in advancing the field of social entrepreneurship in Europe, and believing we can increase impact through collaboration. We can grow the social economy by continuing to learn from each other, share skills, expertise and experiences.
To continue exchanging, we welcome you to subscribe to the #SocEntEU group on Konnektid. Konnektid helps you to find expertise and skills in the community and connect to those people. Click on the button on the left, so you can join the SocEntEU tribe by registering with one of your social media providers (we recommend you to use your LinkedIn account). After sign-up you can immediately start browsing by selecting the SocEntEU group at the Tribes field: it started with participants at Social Entrepreneurs: Have Your Say in Strasbourg and grows with YOU. Search for relevant skills and knowledge and start making new connections throughout Europe!